College Rules

To come to College, students must follow the College rules.

At college, we should:

✓ Respect staff, visitors and other students.

✓ Go to lessons on time.

✓ Walk in College, not run.

✓ Take care of belongings.

✓ Follow Health & Safety rules.

✓ Put things away after using them.

✓ Tell staff where we are going.

✓ Listen to others.

✓ Help others when we can.

✓ Ask for help if we need it.

✓ Sign onto a computer using our own username.

At college, we do not:

– Hurt other people.
This includes: kicking, punching, hitting, pinching, saying / signing / sending hurtful messages, threatening others.

– Look at rude pictures (pornography), or terrorist or extreme material.

– Bring prohibited items to College.
This includes knives, alcohol, illegal drugs, weapons or gambling items.

– Damage College or others’ property, or steal items.

– Harass other people.
This includes being rude about someone’s religion, race, disability, gender or sexual orientation

What happens if students break the rules?

If you break College rules, there will be a disciplinary stage.

A disciplinary stage includes warnings, consequences of the action and stopping you from coming to College.

Disciplinary stages:

  • 1st stage warning – you will be invited to a meeting to talk about your behaviour.

  • 2nd stage warning – you will be invited to another meeting where you will create an action plan.

  • Final warning – you will be warned about exclusion and any other warnings included in your action plan.

  • Exclusion – you will not be able to attend College for a while. You will create an action plan when you return.

  • Permanent expulsion – you will no longer be able to attend College again.