Careers Guidance

Employability and career development are important parts of being a Homefield student.

We believe that good careers guidance connects learning to the future – it motivates students by giving them a clearer idea of the routes to services, jobs and careers that they will find engaging and rewarding.

Career Opportunities

Students and staff listening to Morrisons team leader deliver training induction in the supermarket aisle

Attend Careers Talks & Activities

Hear directly from employers and work-related organisations, such as the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP), in our careers talk events.

Student grooming horse

Go on Work Placements

Experience work placements in a wide variety of sectors, including hospitality, grounds maintenance, animal care, horticulture, retail and more.

Student cleaning tables in Barrow of Treats

Gain Transferable Skills

Learn skills that you can use in a wide variety of settings whilst developing qualities that will help you be a valued employee and active citizen.

Student and Timpson staff member looking at watch mechanism

Experience Mock Interviews

Practice interview skills in a controlled setting and learn what employers are looking for during a successful interview.

Student using the computer to complete their homework

Plan Your Career Journey

Discuss future goals with our Careers Lead and map out smart, realistic and practical actions to help make those goals a reality.

Student showing other students and staff their work placement building

Explore Potential Workplaces

Meet employers at their workplaces to learn what goes on behind-the-scenes in various job roles, all within one company.

To help students gain practical work experience in real working environments before moving on to external placements, we also operate two commercial enterprises – Breward’s (coffee shop) and Spectrum Style (hair, grooming & beauty training salon) – both of which are open to the general public.

Labour Market Information

Career guidance and labour market information (LMI) includes teaching students about:

  • careers and future progression routes after Homefield
  • job searching, applications and interviews
  • General Further Education colleges and Universities – their courses, qualifications and entry requirements
  • transferable skills
  • career sectors, employers, jobs and salaries
  • job programmes, traineeships, Supported Internships and apprenticeships
  • work / life balance
  • money management

Understanding career pathways and future possibilities is vital for all our students. We provide access to relevant careers information that can help our students to determine their work aspirations, transferable skills, future progression options and choices to help them lead a fulfilling and meaningful life as active citizens.

We will be making LMI accessible to our students through their study programme. You can also access LLEP Your Futures to explore career information tailored to young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Further Careers Information

For Homefield staff, you will find careers resources on the Homefield Staff Area on Microsoft Teams.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our careers programme, you can get in touch with our Careers Lead Keleigh Windram by email ( or by calling Reception on 01509 815696 to be transferred through to Keleigh.


“I enjoy being with my fellow colleagues, the staff from the College and working in an environment where I can serve the customers of the community and learn how to talk to others for later on in life.”

Current Student, 2021

Key Documents