Careers Strategy 2022 – 2025

Find out about our careers curriculum goals for the next three years.

Vision, Mission & Values


A society in which people who have learning difficulties are valued as equal citizens with lives full of choices, opportunities and independence.


Our mission is to develop and deliver services and learning opportunities that empower our community to realise their potential within society as equal citizens. We will do this through the provision of community-based, vocational experiences and services that are designed to nurture and empower our community by developing their confidence and skills to take their rightful place in society.


  • Equality

  • Empowerment

  • Respect

  • Sustainability

Overarching Three-Year Careers Aim

Careers: ‘Living your best life’.

The development of an ambitious, inclusive careers strategy that enables students to be aware of their options and supports them to achieve their goals. The strategy is measured against the Careers Development Institute framework and Gatsby Benchmarks.


To implement an innovative vocational / community-based curriculum that students recognise as being high quality and meets their aspirations and needs, underpinned by relevant technology.

  • Creation of careers education programme, adapted for all students and embedded within curriculum. Students to be aware of their choices to enable them to assess their options

  • Utilise ILT to capture careers knowledge and progress, access options and understand labour market information

  • Provide staff with CPL and guidance on how to integrate careers into the curriculum

  • Work closely with therapies to ensure students are prepared for transitions

Measures: student voice, progression and destinations, Ofsted grade, Compass scores, staff engagement


To increase our impact and influence locally through the development of existing partnerships and by building new relationships in our community.

  • Ensure partners have access to careers and PSHCE support

  • Increase stakeholder engagement by linking with communications strategy

  • Develop employer engagement strategy

  • Campaigns to increase our influence

Measures: social media, press coverage, increased number of employers, work placements, Compass scores, stakeholder engagement and satisfaction