Key Documents

Please click the links below to see our key policies & procedures. We have split these into areas for ease of access.

Safeguarding Documents

Safeguarding is a top priority for Homefield College. Our staff are trained in safeguarding and Prevent, and we have a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) who takes overall responsibility for safeguarding our students and day service members. Homefield’s DSL is Tracey Forman (Principal and Chief Executive of Homefield College) and the Trustee Safeguarding Lead is David Jackson.

Education Quality & Compliance

See our latest Ofsted inspection report for our education provision, and documents meeting our Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) contractual obligations.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Documents

Homefield aims to develop a culture that embraces equality and diversity.

Careers Documents

Acceptable Conduct, Disciplinary & Complaints

Data Protection