Careers Guidance for Parents & Carers
The main aim of the Homefield College careers strategy is to provide students with choices, opportunities and independence.

Students need information, advice & guidance to make informed choices. We hold sessions on topics including e-safety, employability, wellbeing and further study, and we record student progress and achievement across all study programmes.

We believe in achievement through experience so there will be opportunities for students to work within our enterprises (where appropriate), and to explore the world around them during visits to local employers and places of interest.

Our study programmes have activities and learning outcomes suitable for students to further their independence in appropriate ways – whether this is working towards living independently, studying independently, or working independently.
Working Together
Our commitment to you: We will act ethically, responsibly and engage with you regarding the student’s learning.
Your commitment to us: We would like you to read our emails, attend parents evenings (where possible) and build a relationship with us so that the student has the wrap-around support they need.