Careers information for Students
What is careers? What does the word careers mean to you? This is something we will explore with you over the course of your study programme.
For some, it may mean having a sense of purpose. It may be doing something you love. It may be having a great work / life balance. Or you might be thinking about getting a job in the future.
Whichever pathway you are on, we will help you to realise what your strengths are. We will help you to develop your skills and you will learn more about your community and find your place in it.
It’s important that you know what options are available to you in the future so that you and your parents / carers can make choices about following the ‘career’ that is right for you.
At Homefield, you may learn about colleges, you might go out on work experience. You might go out into the community and join causes that are important to you.
We will support you to achieve your goals.