Equality Objectives 2019 – 2022
Objective 1
Become recognised externally as an example of best practice in this area, both as an employer and as a service / education provider, particularly in the field of learning difficulties and disabilities.
Target 1: Become a Disability Confident Leader (Level 3)
By: September 2020
Responsibility: Head of Human Resources
Target 2: Gain Careers Mark
By: July 2020
Comments: Subject to costing
Responsibility: Head of Curriculum & Quality
Target 3: Tutors & TSA to gain Autism qualification, Level 2
By: July 2020
Comments: Online activity and additional material
Responsibility: Head of Human Resources
Objective 2
Enhance the working and learning environment, ensuring it is safe, supportive and anti-discriminatory and raises aspirations, success and progression opportunities for each individual.
Target 1: Provide an Employer Assistance Programme (EEP)
By: May 2019
Comments: Met, using Health Assured
Responsibility: Head of Human Resources
Target 2: Have an equal gender pay gap
By: July 2020
Comments: Gender pay gap assessed in April 2019. Pay Scales introduced by job.
Responsibility: Principal
Target 3: Analyse student timetables and progression to determine whether any discrimination exists
By: August 2020
Comments: Assess to improve curriculum for September 2019
Responsibility: Data Co-ordinator
Target 4: Following the above targets, create an action plan to reduce any areas identified
By: September 2020
Responsibility: Head of Curriculum & Quality
Objective 3
Promote equality and diversity in order to have a positive impact on the potential of all students, beneficiaries, staff, employers and the community we serve.
Target 1: Create and implement an Equality Calendar
By: July 2019
Responsibility: Programme Lead
Target 2: Create and implement a comprehensive student voice strategy
By: July 2020
Comments: For Academic Year 2019/20. Students to be involved, perhaps through Learner Conference? Equality and Diversity group is needed to identify where student vice needs more input – working group must include students
Responsibility: Head of Specialist Services & Pastoral Support