Careers Week Wows
For National Careers Week 2024 students took part in a wide range of activities including listening to former Homefield student, Ethan C, talk about his career progression!

Our Pathway Two Horticulture & Small Animals students Katie B, Josh L and Carley N matched job titles to descriptions, testing their knowledge and understanding of careers, as well as a wide range of industry jobs! They all collaborated well and communicated what they thought the answer was to come to a mutual decision.

Digital media students watched a video of a Graphic Designer talking about the types of careers in Graphic Design. They then discussed graphics careers and how they related to the projects they have completed in their lessons. Insightful questions got asked and everyone respected each other by listening carefully when each student was talking.

Life Skills students visited a job centre in Loughborough. During the visit, Pathway Two student Alex K completed a job search online looking at catering hospitality opportunities and discussing the requirements of the advert. This furthered his understanding of what experience and qualifications he would need to be considered for a role in that industry.

Pathway One students worked towards their careers weeks targets of looking at options for their future. This included where they would like to live, their interests, strengths, and work experience they would like to try. All students were very focused whilst undertaking this task and used the information they discovered to start conversations with staff about the working world.

As part of careers week, tutors had lesson themes to work with to create engaging, career relevant lessons for students to learn about a wide range of career sub topics such as how to identify your career goals and linking your passions to possible future jobs. The themes are below:
- Motivation Monday – exploring which jobs you may enjoy and why
- Talented Tuesday – linking your passions to possible future jobs
- Working World Wednesday – getting a glimpse behind the scenes of real jobs
- Throwback Thursday – hearing real-life stories of young people who’ve turned hobbies into jobs
- Your Future Friday – identifying your career goals and how to achieve them.

Thank you to Ethan for giving up your time to speak to students about your job at McDonald’s, showing everyone your work uniform and answering staff and students questions.

Well done to all students who engaged and listened so carefully, we hope you enjoyed the opportunity and that you got a lot out of Careers Week 2024!