Welcome from Julia, Chair of the Trustees
Thank you for showing an interest in the role of Financial Trustee as part of our Homefield community. We have created this resource hub to give you an overview of the College and the roles and responsibilities of the trustees. If you take up this position you will be joining a team of highly motivated trustees who will be happy to offer any support you need.
Homefield College Ltd is a charitable company and trustees become directors of the company on being appointed to the board. Trustees have responsibility for the overall direction of the affairs of the charity, for ensuring that it is well run, financially sound and that it maintains a high standard of performance and achieves its charitable objectives for the benefit of students and day service members.
The aim is to make the role of trustees as positive and rewarding as possible and by bringing together a wide range of skills and experiences we can work as part of the team at the College to provide a person-centred, positive and effective service to our students, day service members and families.
So, if your interest in being a trustee has come from caring for a person with learning disabilities, working in similar services or from specific skills you are able to offer and you are passionate about improving the quality of life for young people with learning disabilities, please take a look at this resource hub to see if this is the role for you.
Julia Ward
Chair of the Trustees